New prompt permutation script
A while back I made a prompt permutation script for generating large numbers of image prompts for use in automatic1111. I updated it with a new operator, the incremental operator ‘&’ so it will cycle through the list items instead of choosing random ones. Here is a sample prompt and output. Basically a fancy search and replace but I use it quite often.
photo, a %SIZE brutalist &BUILDING on a sunny day (this is the base prompt)
photo, painting
brutalist, post-modern, deconstructivism
sunny day, night time
%SIZE, small, medium, large, huge
&BUILDING, house, tower, factory, school
photo, a small brutalist house on a sunny day
photo, a huge brutalist tower on a night time
photo, a medium post-modern factory on a sunny day
photo, a medium post-modern school on a night time
photo, a medium deconstructivism house on a sunny day
photo, a large deconstructivism tower on a night time
painting, a medium brutalist factory on a sunny day
painting, a small brutalist school on a night time
painting, a huge post-modern house on a sunny day
painting, a small post-modern tower on a night time
painting, a large deconstructivism factory on a sunny day
painting, a medium deconstructivism school on a night time
Anyways, here is the python script along with an html version so you can use it with an interface of sorts. The little webpage for it.
Here is the python script.
import itertools
import random
# File path assignments
INPUT_FILE_PATH = 'img5.txt' # Change this to the path of your input file
OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = 'output.txt' # Change this to the desired path for the output file
def load_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
return [line.strip() for line in lines]
def generate_permutations(prompt, modifiers, random_modifiers, increment_modifiers):
all_combinations = list(itertools.product(*modifiers))
permutations = []
increment_counters = {key: 0 for key in increment_modifiers.keys()}
for combination in all_combinations:
new_prompt = prompt
for original, replacement in zip(modifiers, combination):
new_prompt = replace_first(new_prompt, original[0], replacement)
# Handle random modifiers
for placeholder, values in random_modifiers.items():
if placeholder in new_prompt:
replacement = random.choice(values)
new_prompt = new_prompt.replace(placeholder, replacement, 1)
# Handle increment modifiers
for placeholder, values in increment_modifiers.items():
if placeholder in new_prompt:
replacement = values[increment_counters[placeholder] % len(values)]
new_prompt = new_prompt.replace(placeholder, replacement, 1)
increment_counters[placeholder] += 1
# Remove placeholders from the final prompt
new_prompt = remove_placeholders(new_prompt, random_modifiers.keys() | increment_modifiers.keys())
return permutations
def replace_first(text, search, replacement):
if search not in text:
raise ValueError(f"Term '{search}' not found in the prompt.")
return text.replace(search, replacement, 1)
def remove_placeholders(text, placeholders):
for placeholder in placeholders:
text = text.replace(placeholder, "")
return text
def save_to_file(output_path, permutations):
with open(output_path, 'w') as file:
for permutation in permutations:
file.write(permutation + '\n')
def main():
lines = load_file(INPUT_FILE_PATH)
if not lines:
print("The input file is empty.")
prompt = lines[0]
modifiers = [line.split(', ') for line in lines[1:] if not line.startswith('%') and not line.startswith('&')]
random_modifiers = {}
increment_modifiers = {}
for line in lines[1:]:
if line.startswith('%'):
parts = line.split(', ')
key = parts[0]
values = parts[1:]
random_modifiers[key] = values
elif line.startswith('&'):
parts = line.split(', ')
key = parts[0]
values = parts[1:]
increment_modifiers[key] = values
all_permutations = generate_permutations(prompt, modifiers, random_modifiers, increment_modifiers)
save_to_file(OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, all_permutations)
print(f"Generated prompts have been saved to {OUTPUT_FILE_PATH}")
print(f"Total number of permutations: {len(all_permutations)}")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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